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Jamaica,Queens, New York, United States

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A vision of students Today

This video made me realize how difficult it is to be a student these days when you have all this technology swimming about you. Most teachers dont even use chalkboards anymore because they believe its ancient and not stimulating enough, but I find myself wondering how stimulating can sitting infront of a screen for 4-6 hours a day can be? I find technology to be helpful because information is more acessible now than it was before but it can be mentally draining and repetitive as well just looking up pages of informations, as the girl in the video pointed out ''2300 webpages'' on top of that another girl says '' I sleep 7 hours a day'' Im pretty sure its because she needs it because she's so exhausted all the time. Im an insomniac ,but even now and then in class I just totally crash. ''I am A Multi -Tasker, I have to be'' definitely related to how I feel.
Honestly, All of this technology stuff doesnt make classes that much easier, im still rushing to meet deadlines because of work,personal issues,and the like.
The part of the film where it says ''Im one of the lucky ones, 1billion people make less than a dollar a day'' has you put things in perspective of how difficult life is in other places,yet it is still difficult here ,but atleast here in America all the work finally pays off, or you might be stuck paying off 20,000$ worth of work.

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