Simone, is a computer generated actress that is created by Viktor Taransky who is a frustrated director and his friend who had passed away ,Hank. Viktor uses Simone to replace an actress who got fed up with him that she decided not to work with him anymore. Everyone falls in love with Simone immediately setting eyes on her because shes so charming and beautiful. This reminds me of Jessica Rabbit(In who framed Roger Rabbit) how she said in ''Im not bad,Im just drawn that way''. Well if you think about it Simone is ''drawn'' to look and sound a little like every popular hollywood starlet. He combines her looks and abilities with other actresses like Audrey Hepburn and Meryl Streep in order to give her the right talents for his movies.
There's a particular scene in this movie where Taransky is editing a shot from his movie and he places Simone inside the scene ...It really did remind me of playing SIMS.Kind of how you just add a character into a certain environment.If you think about it Simone is a SIM except for the fact that she actually effects the lives of -real- people.
Viktor takes his work too seriously and suddenly becomes obsessed with Simone and of course obsessed with keeping her ''privacy'' which is really his secret. He becomes tired with the whole sherade so he decides to fake her death,which doesnt work because everything thinks that he murdered her. He then confesses that she isnt real ,but of course no one believes him because they all claim to ''know her'' when in fact no one has ever met her.
But I believe part of the reason why everyone was so obsessed is because she possessed the qualities of so many hollywood actresses to the point where it seemed familiar. Also, never being able to have real interviews had everything wondering.
Reminds me of how Andy Warhol, every time he went into public he was known for not talking alot/being very low key which was unusual ... and everyone would still flock to him. Everyone flocks to Simone in the same way because theres the air of mystery and that leads to attraction.
Simone was a good movie because it showed that maybe sometime during the future hollywood will actually make a ''Simone'' and pose it as a real person. Its completely possible with the technology that is available to us these days.
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4 years ago
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