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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Uncanny vs The Shadow

Sigmund Freud's Uncanny and The Shadow to me are very different. Carl Jung's approach to the situation is more positive than Freud's which is surprising because he was taught by Freud but came out with a whole different attitude of philosophy.
The Shadow is still like the idea of the Uncanny in which there is another devision beyond the Ego/Super Ego or the Anima/Animus . The Uncanny was necessary to satisfy the Id which is our animalistic sides wanting to see something spectacularly vicious or sexual to happen. The Uncanny was kind of the bait we used to reel in our thoughts on the Id. Freud was the one who gave our animalistic feelings a name and it is separate from the Ego and the Super Ego.

Carl Jung's version of this was called 'The Shadow'. This included not only animalistic thoughts but rather the thoughts that people didnt want to deal with ,kind of like pent up frustration.Just like Freud's 'id'...The shadow brings a sense of accomplishment and joy as well and is not purely negative.
For example ,when I see a movie like Wanted, in which the main character is always being shoved around and then finally explodes that satisfies my Id because deep down inside we would all like to explode in certain peoples faces, but we cant smash a keyboard against someones face in real life .
Another example is when I play video games like Dynasty Warrior or Mortal Kombat, it just feels good to release all that pent up anger and stress . Some people do nothing to satisfy their Shadow,because they are afraid of their own subconcious thoughts and to me that is very unnatural.

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