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Jamaica,Queens, New York, United States

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Blog 4: Ideas for ENG103 project

I dont know what I will write about as yet,but some of my ideas include:
-Alien movies vs Robot Movies - Alot of people are drawn to these two movie genre's so I think I will do a powerpoint about the differences of each and why one might be more popular than the other
- the effect of disaster movies on people who watch them
-Ive also always wondered why parents find even the small amount of violence in video games so alarming. Why they think that their kids are going to turn out bad,because they play games like GTA/Halo/Dynasty Warriors...the list goes on actually
-How reality shows on TV affects the people watching them/why they are so popular - there must be a valid reason why people are attracting to seeing celebrities (or nobodies even) searching for love.
-Subliminal messages in advertisements on TV/Radio [Semiotics in advertising]-Why pepsi changed the symbol,why when you see a coca cola truck you suddenly want a coca cola, why cable companies have ridiculous commercials ....but they work.
-How music videos and magazines portray women usually in a very submissive manner, rarely dominant.
-Comedians talking more about politics,and comedians having there own shows talking about issues


  1. Wow, you really have some good ideas! I think you should go with the subliminal messages in TV/Radio. That sound like it could be very contorversial.

  2. Of the list, the Aliens and Robots one seems to have the most potential, though I do not yet see the basis for the comparison. Why aliens and robots?

  3. on violence in video games.. lol yeah im with you there.. i mean im not part of this new gta era thing.. at least not as a kid.. but I was of the SuPer MaRio Era (and even with its blocky graphics is the greatest game ever!! in my eyes) Yet i never threw fireballs at any1... and going into adolescence i played Counter Strike (a counter terrorist vs terrorist online 1st person shooter game) and I even went to the army and shot a m16/ m4 and a .50 cal in real life.. yet im not fascinated by them at all.. I just served my time and gladly returned those weapons so games never made me violent...

  4. "-Subliminal messages in advertisements on TV/Radio [Semiotics in advertising]-"

    I find that 1 interesting along with the Alien vs Robot thing.. but not sure where u could go with the AvR thing though...

    You wrote something a few weeks back about Mc'ds and you should read about Burger kings ad in spain... mabye that will jump start something
