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Jamaica,Queens, New York, United States

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

RadaRadaWhy im studying filmRadaRada

To be honest, I dont know. Besides the fact that I love movies...it was kind of just a random choice.That doesnt mean I wont be serious about it of course. I think ive seen alot of movies, some way before I was born.

What I really want to be is a costume/special FX makeup designer. It would be awesome to see my work in magazines one of them being fangoria [I wish fangoria was how it use to be =(] I use to write screen plays when I was in private school,but no one read them.I kind of kept them to myself....maybe the choice really wasnt all that random and its just been floating around the back of my head.

Ive never seen the first matrix,I remember seeing the matrix reloaded in 8th grade going ''the bloody hell is this ?''

Ive always had an open mind ,up for anything any time...except drugs.That ive never tried,seriously though ive never even smoked a spliff.

It's funny how things happen for the last few months ive been teetering in between jobs and have been torrenting lots of movies, and now im in a film cluster. Shit,wtf?

I hope we dont concentrate too much on the matrix Id love for us to see an old silent movie...Like NOSFERATU. Thats a REAL vampire for you. Yes,Im looking at you emo-vegan-virgin- vampire fans. YES. im talking about twilight. How in the hell can you be a vampire but yet a virgin? It just doesnt make any damn sense,they are supposed to be naturally seductive ,slinky sexual beings.