About Me

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Jamaica,Queens, New York, United States

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My first blog

Okay so it seems like a blog is required for this class, so I might as well begin by saying ...Hello!
Ive never done a blog before so this should be interesting.


  1. Hello to you to. Um out of curiousity whats a kahuna burger? Or is it a joke I'm confused

  2. Thanks for pulling the picture. Prof. Lucca and I just about had a cow!

  3. Lmao Virgin vampires =).... isnt it a little scary how life ends up not being a coincidence sometimes? i dont believe in fate however

  4. For some reason, I can't comment on the second blog . . . . That said, I have to wonder how you were watching movies before you were born. Time machine? If so, share with the rest of us. There is a bit of history I would like to change. ;)
